Monday, February 16, 2009


Well its official. We officially own a piece of Australia (or should I say the bank holds our title whilst we pay them back over the next 25 years).

Now we get to see how we can turn our ideas into a plan, a plan into a building and a building into a home. I spent the last ten years dismissing the need or the desire to own a block of land but now it has happened it is very exciting.

Here is the plan.

Something small. Three bedrooms. One bathroom. Utilising the northern sun during the day whilst not neglecting the south westerly view. Ensure enough shade from the sun and try to achieve a sustainable building vibe. Water tanks, yes. Solar power (maybe) and a garden that I can understand and look after. Their is a one and half meter fall from the back to the front (so we are told). Do we go stumps or cut into the land and place it onto a slab. There is the type of cladding to consider within the confines of the covenant. There is our budget, the bank rates, inflation, consistency of wages, earning capacity and maintaining a sanity and healthy relationship with the children and wife.

It is a little plan that grows and grows the more I think about it. It will be good to focus on a project like this. For the last ten years my health has not been the best. I honestly thought I would not be able to own a house let alone decide to go and build one. So this is an exciting journey that continues to demonstrates that life is going forward and I hope that it all goes well.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I've added this to my subscribe list & look forward to hearing about your progress!
